
We use a lot of non-standard things in our Vue components. Here we would like to go through some most important parts.


We use Nuxt because it gives no overhead, but gives tons of features, including:

  1. server side rendering

  2. single page applications

  3. static assets generation

  4. zero-configuration build tool

  5. routing

  6. middlewares

  7. much more

We do not recommend to switch to raw Vue, unless you 100% sure.


First of all, we use classes to define components. We do it with the help of several libraries:

  1. nuxt-property-decorator - pretty much the same as vue-class-component, but with nuxt specific callbacks defined & allows defining some useful properties using decorators

  2. vuex-class that allows defining bindings to vuex

This way we can achieve some level of type safety. It is not 100% safe. But it is something.

Make sure to mark your components as // @vue/component to have at least some linting from eslint-plugin-vue.

Fallback to good-old simple components

However, you can fallback to export default {} at any time you want. This way you will have almost none type support, but you will have full linting support from eslint-plugin-vue which is a good thing. But, we will lose some of the typing features.

Regular components would be also easier for newcomers. You can even mix styles for different components. So, the choice is yours.


We use vuex that comes with nuxt. We stick to the classic mode.

You can switch to modules mode at any time if you want to.


We also use vuex-simple to write typed Vuex mutations, getters, and actions.

That's how it is defined:

import { Action, Mutation, State, Getter } from 'vuex-simple'

export default class TypedStore {
  public comments: CommentType[] = []

  public get hasComments (): boolean {
    // ...

  public updateRating ({ commentId, delta }: CommentPayloadType): void {
    // ...

  public async fetchComments (): Promise<RawCommentType[]> {
    // ...

And used:

import Vue from 'vue'
import { Component } from 'nuxt-property-decorator'
import { useStore } from 'vuex-simple'

// Import your store:
import TypedStore from '~/logic/store'

export default class ComponentName extends Vue {
  // Later it can be used to perform typed actions, mutations, etc.
  public typedStore: TypedStore = useStore(this.$store)

  someButtonClicked (commentId: number): void {
    // This call is fully typed: parameters and return value are known:
    this.typedStore.updateRating({ commentId, 'delta': 1 })

We actually provide a utility mixin to inject typedStore into all components.


We also use dependency injection (DI) and inversion of control (IoC) principles to uncouple different layers of our app.

This allows to write simpler code, abstract things, and reuse code easier.

That's how it works:

// module.ts

import { Action } from 'vuex-simple'
import { Inject, Injectable } from 'vue-typedi'

import tokens from '~/logic/tokens'
import CommentService from '~/logic/comments/services/api'

@Injectable() // required to make class injectable (to have injections)
class CommentsModule {
  @Inject(tokens.COMMENT_SERVICE) // tokens.COMMENT_SERVICE is a unique name
  public service!: CommentService // we can also type the injected service

  public async fetchComments () {
    // Here we use injected service, without explicitly passing it:
    const commentsList = await this.service.fetchComments()
    // ...

// services/api.ts

import { Service } from 'vue-typedi'

import tokens from '~/logic/tokens'

// Here we register our service under a unique name, 
// it will be used to inject it later:
class CommentService {
  // ...

You can easily mock things in your tests and provide different implementation by using this 100% valid way:

import { Container } from 'vue-typedi'

import tokens from '~/logic/tokens'

Last updated