
We use a combination of scss and css-modules for our styles by adding the lang="scss" and module attributes to <style> tag:

<style lang="scss" module>
.link {
  width: 10px;

We also enforce strong linting of styles to keep it consistent and find possible errors early.

Global CSS

If you want to use any global css here's what you need to do:

  1. Install the library you need: npm run add normalize.css

  2. Add the file path to css property of nuxt.config.ts

It will look something like so:

  * Global CSS
  css: [

This file will be included in the final build.

Layout specific styles

Every layout in client/layouts/ is not scoped or bundled in a module. It is required to drop some global styles for all components that are using this layout.


We use scss to write components' styles. Because it is just like css. But better! You can just drop-in any plain css and it will work with no any other actions required.

scss is a preprocessor. It means, that scss get compiled to css later. And before it is compiled scss allows to use features that are missing from css3 spec, including:

That's the bare minimum you need to know to productively use scss.

Aliases and imports

We have a preconfigured ~/scss alias inside nuxt.config.ts to import local files. You can use it inside Vue components like so:

<style lang="scss" module>
@import "~/scss/variables";

.component {
  color: $imported-color-from-variables;

Things to keep in mind:

  • you don't have to specify a file extension or leading _, this will be considered as a linting error

  • do not import modules that produce css output, it will pollute your stylesheets with multiple declarations

  • do not import external css libraries, use nuxt.config.ts for that

CSS Modules

Every Vue component should be a css module. How does it work?

The main idea is:

  • to rename your classes to some unique name during build time

  • to make your css classes available from js

So, this:

<style lang="scss" module>
.component { ... }
.input { ... }

Will became this:

this.$style = {
  'component': '_3hLE8Zr42CA8Iz_38AM4TJ_0',
  'input': 'VZZoxarQNkuSWSg1ftV1v_0'

Now you don't have to worry about naming your classes or binding them together with Vue. The future is now!


When naming your css classes stick to camelCase, as it would be easier to call it inside your Vue component:

      <p class="$style.camelCase"></p>
      <p class="$style['kebab-case']"></p>

<style lang="scss" module>
.camelCase { ... }
.kebab-case { ... }

Also, keep in mind that all nested classes will be flattened for $style access:

      <p class="$style.root"></p>
      <p class="$style.child"></p>

<style lang="scss" module>
.root {
  .child { ... }

You can play around with :local selector if you would like to make them nested.

Exporting SCSS variables to Javascript

Imagine that you have to use your scss variable in vue. Sounds like a nightmare? No, that's not. Imaging exporting this variable:

$grid-size: 15rem;

And use it like so:

<style lang="scss" module>
@import '~/scss/variables';

:export {
  $var-grid-size: $grid-size;

It would be available as this.$style['var-grid-size']. It might be useful for dynamic colors, grids, blocks, and tables.


After we have created all our styles they are processed by a post-processor. Why? Because it is easier to make optimizations on this step.

It comes bundled with nuxt. What kind of custom optimizations or plugins do we use?

  • css-mqpacker - which allows

    to combine all @media queries into one block for better performance

These optimizations are applied by webpack. You don't have to run them manually.

Last updated