
We use and recommend vscode as your main editor for Vue applications. Download it for free here.

The rest of this doc covers vscode and Vue integration. You are free to use any other editor of choice, but others are not supported and documented.

We ship a .vscode/extensions.json plugin which specifies all required plugins.

What you need to do is install them by navigating to Plugins -> Recommended. After installing them you will have:

  • Vue Intellisense

  • Linting of js, ts, scss, jsdoc, and vue

  • Formatting help from editoconfig

  • Helpful shortcuts to run tests and debug


We also ship .vscode/settings.json which specifies all settings that are used in this project.

Running tasks

We do not provide .vscode/tasks.json with this template. However, you can still run any npm run tasks from vscode. Use integrated terminal.



vscode is known for an awesome ts support! It is just bundled with it. You do not have to install anything.

Read more about it.


We also leverage an official plugin for vscode and Vue that is called vetur.

It offers a rich set of features for Vue apps. Including some unique ones, like type-checking your templates.

Last updated